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Youth Group Members

Students at the School of Dentistry or workers in the dental industry.


Admission fee and Annual fee are free


Ordinary Members

Required to have the qualification of a registered dentist in Hong Kong. Ordinary members have the right to vote, but not the right to be elected.

Admission fee is free

Annual fee:   HKD $500 per year, paying a three-year membership fee (HKD $500 x 3 = HKD $1,500)

Total charge: HKD $1,500 (entry fee and annual membership fee for three years)


Life-time Members

After three years of being ordinary members, a one-time permanent fee of $1,500 will be paid. Permanent members have the right to vote and to be elected.


Admission Notice

About Us

Application Method

Please download the following file, complete the application form, and submit it in the following way:


a) Mail to the following address:


Hong Kong Chinese Dentists Association Secretariat

Room M105 Haleson building, 1 Jubilee Street, Central, Hong Kong


b) Email to


c) Fax to +852 2854 3338



If you need to pay the membership fee, please submit the application form along with the membership fee of $1,500; cheque pay out to

the "Hong Kong Chinese Dentists Association" and return it to the following address:


Hong Kong Chinese Dentists Association Secretariat

Room M105 Haleson building, 1 Jubilee Street, Central, Hong Kong




Click Here for the Ordinary membership application form



Click Here for the Youth Group membership application form

Established in 1940, the 1st Dental Association of Hong Kong

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